It's been a month since I've had any time to write, let alone anything worth writing. But something has come to my attetion that I would like to share with you.
OATH -- Oklahomans Against Trafficking Humans
Please visit the website to learn more about the horrific crimes against children in our own state. Then pass the word to others.
It's amazing this stuff happens right under our own noses, and we fail to realize that it can happen HERE!
Scary stuff. I was freaked to watch a national news show say that a truck stop in Toledo, Ohio is one of the biggest transfer places in human trafficking.
Human sex slave traffic: Coming to a truck stop near you.
We can't ignore it and hope it will go away. Tell everyone you know.
It's shocking to learn about things that go in in the world that you would assume never happen in your own corner of it. This is heart-sinking and horrific.
This is horrible, and frightening. Especially since the attitude is so prevalent that "it isn't around here".
There is really not nearly enough that can be said about this stuff. We live in a sick, sick culture. . .
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