Monday, July 28, 2008


I was driving in to work this morning and heard on the radio about a guy selling candles online. You may recall last december I wrote about candles scented for men. Well, dang it, someone stole my idea. Except he calls them mandles.


Anonymous said...

Saw the title and figured RL must be in town ..... maybe I was wrong?

Sadly it appears that Mandles is a cruel hoax. Nothing more than a tease.

Phyllis Renée said...

I'm so ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I agree with XI. I thought RL was in the post somewhere too. I guess you could pick up a mandle for him on the way home and update the post.

for a different kind of girl said...

This proves the point that you must strike while the iron is hot. Or the candle is, either one.

Desmond Jones said...

Let me add my voice to those whose ears perked up at the title, thinking, "Oh, this'll be good!".

Yes, I am a carnal man. . .

And I've put my own Man Card at risk over scented candles on multiple occasions. Especially the ginseng one that we kept burning during our 25th Anniversary Naked Weekend. That was nice. . .