Tuesday, March 04, 2008

out to lunch

Just wanted to let you all know I will be taking a break from blogging. When will I be back? I have no idea. Depends on how long this funk stays in my head. Anyway, I will continue checking in on you all. Later . . .


FTN said...

Awww. Well, I'm sorry to hear about the funk. I hope things look up soon. Maybe some warm weather and sunshine will help?

for a different kind of girl said...

Seconding FTN's sentiments up there. I'm sure he'd be happy to know I'm always on board with what he says! I do hope you are back soon, but definitely take care of you!!

- said...

i've been by here a few times checking & hoping to read new posts.

i hope your time away goes nicely ..... stop by & say when you come back.

i was in a total distresed and crying funk of my own for awhile recently-- crying at almost everything... i felt like a total mess.... okay who am i kidding? i'm STILL a crazy messy girl (lol)

is your husband back yet?

take care and god bless you!! ; ) i hope the rest of today & this week just gets better and better.

(((hugs))) to you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry to hear you're having a bad stretch. I'll miss you, but do take care of you ....

Amber said...

Lordy, I know a funk, it is no fun. I'll be here when you get back. Also, I like your theory on Big Daddy taking me to a mountain to decompress...I really needed a catalyst.

Desmond Jones said...

Funk, funk, go away. . .

(Yosemite Sam voice):
Aaahh HATES funk. . .

Anonymous said...

You patiently waited for me when I took my blogger break. I'll patiently wait for you.

Sailor said...

Sorry to hear about a funk, but I am hoping you're taking care of what you need to.


Therese in Heaven said...

I hope you're out of your funk soon! Take care!