Wednesday, January 16, 2008

anonymous blogger

Do you feel blogging has helped or hindered your real life social skills?

(I'll explain the reason for this question in my next post.)


Anonymous said...

Helped, most definitely. Then again, I am sufficiently socially challenged such that conversing with bugs would help .....

Desmond Jones said...

Eh, I don't know that it's done either. . .

Maybe helped, just a bit. Before I started blogging, I didn't know what ROFLMAO meant. . .

Recovering Soul said...

I'm with des - neither. I have pretty good people skills in real life... probably more so than here.

Trueself said...

I'm with Xi on this one, most definitely helped. I too am socially challenged so any chance I get to interact with others is helpful to me in developing those social skills.

Dealing with the (very few by my encounters) jerks that I encounter in the blogosphere has helped me in learning to deal with them in real life. The advantage I have here is time to think prior to responding, and developing some skills and strategies to deal with the jerks of the world is helpful in real life when I don't have the time to think it through thoroughly but must respond on the fly.

Social skills? Definitely helped. Wordiness? Not so much.

Ronald Burgundy said...


It has definitely helped my writing skills an my ability to catalog events in my life that I want to either record or get input on.


Therese in Heaven said...

Not helped with social skills, but it gave me a social outlet for a while. After the affair, RS and I isolated ourselves and blogging was a way we connected to the "outside world."

Thankfully, as we have healed we aren't living in that sort of isolation but it was helpful, especially for me, in allowing me to connect with others during a difficult time.

for a different kind of girl said...

I think it has, to a small degree, enhanced my social skills. I was reasonably comfortable talking to real life people, but writing allows me to say things I wouldn't perhaps say in some of the company I keep.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any indication that blogging has had any affect on my live social skills.

I admit I am more aware of negative things about people, but I think I have kept the attitude about that in check.

Sailor said...

Helped, I think. I find that whatever interaction I get here, has made me more open to others in RL, where I am painfully shy much of the time.