Sunday, November 18, 2007


This afternoon I did some family portraits for a friend and her daughters. We've been trying to schedule this for about eight months and I'm glad we finally were able to get together. It's been so long since I've done any portraits I forgot a lot of things. It wasn't until I was processing them that I remembered a few things I could have done to make some of the pictures better. As always, there were some pictures that I wasn't particularly pleased with, but this is one of my favorites. It was a good day.


Sailor said...

wonderful, isn't it fun when some of them work so well?

FTN said...

Great picture. Do you keep a lot of your photographs on a Flickr account or something like that?

Nice new pic in your profile, too! [Wolf whistle]

Phyllis Renée said...

Sailor - You know, my husband kind of makes fun of me, because I will take so many pictures. But like this, I took just under 100 pictures and only 30 were good. I mean, doing family portraits I want them to have a lot to choose from. Anyway, yes, I love it when I come back with some really good ones.

FTN - Thank you . . . and thank you. No, I don't have a Flickr account. I don't know, I feel kind of weird about that; putting all my pictures on the web. I'll have to look into it a little more.

for a different kind of girl said...

That photograph is great. I love those kinds of images. I should try more like that. I have a raging case of the close ups and I'm always putting a camera uncomfortably close to someone's face.

Ditto the new profile pic, too! I've been debating the whole idea of changing mine so it's not just my hair showing. We'll see.

Phyllis Renée said...

Taking close ups is an easy habit to get into. But stepping back and letting people just relax and be themselves makes for some great photos. This particular photo was by request, so it was even a little more difficult to get that candid feeling.

Paul Joe said...

H! it's my first time reading your blog.It would bless me if you shared more photo's with us,and give us some tips,i just sort of started and would like know the how part.
That is a great photo!

FTN said...

I'm not advertising for Flickr or anything... I'm sure there are other sites that work just as well.

I use a Flickr site rather than uploading pictures directly to Blogger because of what you said: I don't like putting pictures up on the web and losing control of them. With a site like Flickr, I can control who can see them if I want, and I can also delete them if I want.

Once you upload pictures to Blogger, they are there for good. You really don't have any control of them at all, and even if you remove the picture from your blog post, the picture still exists on the web.

Just my thoughts!

Nanette said...

Thanks for your visit. I will come back and read a bit more when the holiday is over. :)

I love photos shot from behind, they always make me smile--especially when little ones are holding hands with parents. Melt.

Happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...


You're amazing!

Anonymous said...

Phyllis this means so much to me. I still look at this picture alot and see so many wonderful times in it. I remember how I had to push the girls into doing it, but I'm so glad we did. The girls and I are great. There is life after death.